Panel 1: TALE for the Next Decade
7 Dec. 2022, 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Senate Room, M1603
Panelists: Henry Chan, Ford Gaol, Leon Lei, KP Mark, Russ Meier and Sorel Reisman
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of TALE, the aim of this panel is to share ideas for the development of TALE for the next decade. You are welcome to join and provide your input.
Panel 2: Hybrid, Online and Virtual Teaching – What have we learned in the past few years?
7 Dec. 2022, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Senate Room, M1603
Panelists: Henry CHAN (PolyU), Darren HARBUTT (PolyU), Paul LAM (CUHK), Leon LEI (HKU) and Crusher WONG (CityU)
The aim of this panel is to share experience and suggestions on hybrid, online and virtual teaching. It is co-organized with the Educational Development Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This session is supported by the UGC Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning.